ASAM Level 1 Basic Course – Your Journey Towards Recovery

Embark on a transformative journey with our latest offering, the ASAM Level 1 Basic Course. This six-week online course offers an exploration of the complexities of addiction. It is guided by the proven framework of the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s Level 1 Outpatient Services.

Our experienced team of drug and alcohol counselors and recovery coaches will guide you through this journey. Drawing from a wide range of approaches — from philosophical to esoteric, from scientific to personal — our team will tailor the experience to your unique path toward recovery.

Week 1 – Embracing the Journey: Introduction and Overview of Treatment Our shared journey begins with an overview of your personalized treatment plan. Here, in the ASAM Level 1 Basic Course, we’ll learn to understand addiction as a part of the human experience to be explored, understood, and ultimately overcome.

Week 2 – Illuminating the Shadows: A Deeper Understanding of Addiction In our second week, we delve deeper into the biological, psychological, and social aspects of addiction. Armed with knowledge, we transform addiction from an unseen shadow into a challenge we can confront with courage and understanding.

Week 3 – The Winds of Change: Enhancing Motivation Our third week focuses on your motivation – the winds guiding our sail toward recovery. Utilizing the Stages of Change Model, we’ll enhance our readiness for recovery, standing against any resistance or ambivalence.

Week 4 – Crafting the Armor: Coping Strategies and Skills Training In the fourth week, we craft the armor that shields us from triggers and high-risk situations. Cognitive-behavioral techniques, stress management strategies, and mindfulness exercises become our armament, empowering us to face challenges with resilience and grace.

Week 5 – Charting the Course: Relapse Prevention Our fifth week focuses on the future, transforming relapse from a looming fear into a navigable aspect of the journey. Through understanding and planning, we prepare for sustainable recovery.

Week 6 – Navigating Tomorrow: Transition Planning and Ongoing Maintenance In our final week, we reflect on our journey and prepare for the path ahead. Emphasizing the importance of a strong support network, we ensure that you are equipped with resources for continued support and care.

Weekly Group Sessions: A Fellowship on the Journey Throughout the course, our weekly group sessions provide a nurturing space for shared experiences and practice of the skills learned in individual sessions. These sessions, facilitated by our recovery coaches, continue beyond the course, meeting every Thursday at 12:30 PM Eastern Time, serving as an enduring source of support and community.

Our ASAM Level 1 Basic Course is not just a course – it’s the voluntary first step on a profound voyage toward recovery. It is tailored for the individual who is seeking to gain further control and understanding of their relationship with substance and why they are in their life. While not mandatorily, it is advisable to have an evaluation done prior to the first session. C

For those seeking a more comprehensive journey, or fulfilling a requirement of short or long term for a third party, we recommend our Short Term or Long Term ASAM Level 1 programs.

Begin your journey today. Sign up below and join us in the transformative voyage toward recovery. For more about our organization, feel free to explore the other pages on our website, including our ‘About’ page.

The ASAM Level 1 Basic Course has been designed as a starting point on your path to recovery, providing high-quality and valuable content to each user. Be a part of our supportive community and start your journey to self-understanding and recovery.

The ASAM Level 1 Basic Course – offers guidance, support, and an open door to your new life.

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