Empowering Your Recovery Journey at Recovery Cafe

Welcome to Recovery Cafe in Athens, Georgia, where our dedicated team leverages their vast expertise to support your unique recovery journey. Our approach intertwines individual strengths with a robust community network, facilitated by our seasoned professionals, including Larry Walton, Steve Patterson, and Juliana Tabares. Here’s how their skills and experiences enrich our recovery programs by empowering your recovery journey.

Harnessing Personal Strengths with Expert Guidance

Our team’s comprehensive background in various therapeutic modalities provides a solid foundation for both individual sessions and group settings. Larry Walton, with his extensive experience in behavioral healthcare and a Master Addiction Counselor certification, applies his “Learning to Learn” model to foster adaptability and continuous learning in recovery processes. This approach not only benefits professionals in training but also enhances the therapeutic experience for individuals, ensuring that recovery strategies are personalized and effective.

Steve Patterson, a skilled Drug and Alcohol Counselor and Recovery Specialist, employs traditional ASAM counseling in conjunction with Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). These methods are integral to our individual counseling sessions, helping you to develop self-awareness, set realistic goals, and build resilience against relapse.

Juliana Tabares, our Recovery Coach and Holistic Life Coach, offers a unique blend of Jungian analysis and mindfulness practices, enriching the therapeutic landscape of our group sessions. Her bilingual capabilities ensure that language barriers do not impede the recovery journey, allowing for a more inclusive and supportive environment.

The Philosophy of Empowerment in Recovery

At Recovery Cafe, empowerment is a core philosophy, influenced significantly by the expertise of our team. Larry Walton’s innovative strategies, rooted in decades of experience, provide a framework for empowerment that extends beyond traditional therapy. His approach encourages self-efficacy and autonomy, allowing you to take an active role in your recovery journey.

Steve Patterson’s use of evidence-based practices in his counseling and coaching reinforces this empowerment, equipping you with the tools to navigate the challenges of recovery with confidence. His background as a Life Coach adds an additional layer of support, aiding in the development of life skills essential for sustained recovery.

Juliana Tabares’ holistic and integrative coaching methods foster a deep sense of self-awareness and personal growth. Her sessions are designed to empower you to uncover and harness your inner strengths, aligning your recovery goals with your broader life aspirations.

Enhancing Autonomy and Self-Efficacy

Our team’s diverse skill set plays a crucial role in enhancing your sense of autonomy and self-efficacy. Larry Walton’s leadership and innovative teaching methods inspire you to embrace a proactive stance in your learning and recovery process. His guidance helps demystify the recovery journey, making it more accessible and manageable.

Steve Patterson’s structured approach to counseling and recovery coaching provides a clear pathway for progress, instilling confidence in your ability to achieve your recovery objectives. His techniques help you build the skills necessary for making informed decisions and maintaining recovery momentum.

Juliana Tabares’ emphasis on aligning personal values with recovery goals encourages a holistic view of recovery, where your well-being is considered in a broader life context. Her coaching nurtures a sense of purpose and direction, essential components of autonomy and self-efficacy in recovery.

Now What?

At Recovery Cafe, our team’s expertise is a cornerstone of our approach, offering a unique blend of therapeutic practices, empowerment strategies, and community support. Whether through Larry Walton’s innovative methods, Steve Patterson’s structured counseling, or Juliana Tabares’ holistic coaching, we are committed to supporting your recovery journey every step of the way. Join us in empowering your recovery journey online, and celebrate your personal strengths are celebrated, and your potential for growth is limitless.

Reach Out

Reach Out

We would like to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly. If you need to speak to someone right now, call or text 706-438-2545, or WhatsApp 1-706-438-2545.


One Comment

  1. Great message Juliana, and great to have you on the team!